Close Combat Magazine caught up with Matsumura USA’s karate student, Anthony Garcia, and here is what she had to say about his martial arts experience.

Q: What is your full name?

A: Anthony Garcia 

Q: What karate school do you attend?

A: Matsumura USA, Laredo, Texas

What karate style do you practice?

A: Japanese Style

Q: What belt rank are you currently?

A: Purple

Q: How old are you?

A: 9

Q: What martial arts associations are you affiliated with?

A:International Society of Martial Arts

Q: How did you get into Karate, and what can you remember from your first time training?

A: My best friend asked me to join with him and from my first training session with Sensei Samantha, I fell in love with the sport. 

Q: Who have you been training with lately and what’s have you been working on?

A: I train every day with my Sensei. We work on kicks, Katas, and fighting. 

Q: What have you been doing to get a better edge when it comes to fighting?

A: Working hard every day and giving it my 100% always. 

Q: What’s your all time favorite Karate movie and why?

A: Karate Kid because it taught me no matter what DON’T GIVE UP!

Q: What do you enjoy most about practicing karate, or you martial arts style?

A: I enjoy the thrill of the fight.

Q: Growing up who was your favorite martial arts movie star?

Mr. Miyagi 

Q: Tell us about your karate master and school?

A: My Sensei is the best. She has patience and teaches us to be the best. 

Q: Do you have a preferred weapon of choice?

A: Bo

Q: What do you like most about karate?

A: Kicking high and fighting 

Q: Do you have a signature karate move?

A: Mae Geri

Q: How often do you work on your karate training?

A: Every day that I do not train for other sports like football and basketball. 

Q: How long have you been doing karate training?

A: Almost 2 years 

Q: Who’s your favorite Ninja Turtle?


Q: Did you ever stop your karate training, and why?

A: No I never stop

Q: Tell us about your success in karate tournaments?

A: Today’s Karate Tournament is my first in person tournament and I’m taking home 2 1st Place Trophies. 

Q: What are your social network handles?

A: Eri Gee

Q: What is your goal in martial arts?

A: To become a black belt 

Q: What else do you enjoy doing other than karate?

A: Football, basketball and running

Q: What is your favorite TV Show?

A: Naruto 

Q: What is your favorite food?

A: Pizza

Q: What is your favorite song?

A: Fearless

By Raul Garcia

Raul Garcia Jr. Garcia, is an award winning journalist, who has trained in martial arts with various teachers (John Valdivia, Kenbo Karate; Manuel Lozano, Kuk Sool Won; Tammy Williams, Dan Timlin’s Mid Michigan Academy of Mixed Martial Arts) and styles during his life. He is currently a student of Kajukenbo Gaylord Method Grandmaster Armando Saldana.